How are you all doing today? So I have been waiting to upload this video for awhile but I never got the chance to until today - Yay! :D This video is me drawing an art card. I know what you all are thinking? What's an Art Card? Aren't they the same thing as Artist Trading Cards? The answer to the second question is no they are not. Now for what Art Cards are. I'm about to tell you so do read on and I hope you like it!
NOTE: This video has been pre-recorded so please bare that in mind.
Link: Art Card #1
Ok, let's get down to business. Firstly, I would like to say that this concept of Art Cards I've had for many years but was not able to present it until recently. I have always wanted create something that people will enjoy either admire or use or just to help and encourage them to be more creative.
So what is an Art Card? Well, it's like a collectable - but in an art form. The official name for it is; Art, Craft, Design Card Collection (ACD or Art Card for short). I chose this name because I wanted it to not be specific to one single type of art, for example, Painting, drawing, digital art or sketching. I wanted it to be a mixture of things so you add things to the card as well, for example, crafting the card using ribbons, pattern paper etc. or make some sort of design. Really it can be anything. However, the one thing I wanted to not include is people drawing faces of animals or people - it is more of a non-life form of art. So it can be related to anything else.
The reason I said no faces of people/animals is because I'm a Muslim and in Islam, we are not to draw anything that has faces whether that be animals or people. However, we can draw everything else. Now I know there will be many non-Muslims who will want to try out this Art Card Collection and you may do so, however, I will not be able to encourage drawing animals or people but if you do so I will not stop you or even dislike you for it. I respect all religion and beliefs and I have an open mind so I don't judge people at all. This is just part of my religion and I won't be upset if people decided to draw people or faces at this time. Disclaimer: Please do not take any offence to what I have said. This is just my belief and I am in no way discriminating anyone and their beliefs. If you feel like this I would like to apologise in advance as that is not my intention. You have the freedom to express yourself however you like and I am able to do the same.
Now that that's out of the way back to the Art Cards. As you can see from above this is a collection of art that the individual can do and share with others. I am completely fine with that. It is to help you with your art and to just be creative. So go for it!
The Art Cards also have themes too - if you want them to. You can separate them according to numbers as well. For example, You may have a theme of just food, clothes, objects etc. You can even categorise them even more in depth if you would like to for such: Types of food, Types of clothes etc. It's really up to you. :)
I will be doing some themes and separating them from the more random bunch that I do and also number them too. Now here is the first Art Card I have created (The front and back view):
As you can see the front of the card shows the image and the back of the card show the details: Art Card, the number card it is, signed and dated. The dates are very specific - however, this is optional and you do not have to date it like this. This is just how I date my artwork, it is considered unprofessional but I like to keep the day in it as well because I want to remember that day specifically.
Now to make your own here is the basics of what and how you need you base Art Card to look like:
1) You need a card - it can be any kind depending on the type of art you are doing. If you use watercolours then please make sure to use watercolour paper (that is card like - which most of them are). If you are going to add many layers make sure to use a thinner card so it's not too thick (unless that is what you are going for).
2) Here are the measurements of the card: 7.5cm (2.95inch) x 10.3cm (4 inches.) - I used the simple A4 card hence why the measurements aren't a whole number.
That's it really. Of course, you can add the medium you are going to use such as paints, markers etc. You can mix them around too! :)
This is something I've been waiting to create for a very long time and I've finally been able to create it! You don't have to do this if you don't want to. It's really for me to create and share. Hopefully in the future I can make prints for everyone to collect my Art Cards. This is how it is different from Artist Trading Cards because there will be prints for them and also you are not giving away an original work (of course you can if you want to but then it won't be an Art Card but an Artist Trading Card).
Ok now if you have any questions about these then please do let me know I will answer them all.
Well that's it for now I'll see you soon.
Take care and think positive
Tarana A beaming star shining with positivity for the world to embrace xoxox
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