Saturday, 29 November 2014

#blackfriday and many things to say

Hello Everyone!! :D

I know I was to post about the #ArtCards but honestly say I haven't had the chance for the past few days and the next few weeks I'm going to be busy with appointments and dealing with legal matters and health matters so please bare with me.

I managed to have the chance of writing to you guys so I thought I might as well do it now...before I go to sleep...past mid night..well in my defence I am not sleeping as late as usual and I am working on my sleep :)

Anyways, my younger brother told me about Black Friday as I am such a clueless person. I gathered that it's like a big shopping sale that's happens in US and has become a worldwide thing, and now has been brought to UK!! Well I think it's wonderful!!!! I did some shopping online and I'm getting really excited for when the items arrived!! I went all out of art supplies! So look forward to a very artsy week (in about 2-3 weeks time) I'm so excited!! It's really interesting and a little addictive I must say.

Also I've followed various writing related twitters one in particular that caught my interest was #nanowrimo which stands for National Novel Writing Month. It gave me the idea of starting something like that on my expressive writing blog (which I shall discuss on my other blog in more detail in the near future) I think it's a great way to motivate each other and very great way to continue your writing.

That's it for now I will get back to you all very soon please be patient with me I hope after the next two weeks my life should be a little calmer then usual.

Take care and think positive Tarana A beaming star shining with positivity for the world to embrace xoxox

Monday, 10 November 2014

It's ok to take a break

Hey Everyone! :D

So I have been not feeling well today and yesterday, and for two days (yesterday and the day before) I wasn't feeling up for going on my laptop. So I thought I would blog about it today since I haven't done so in a while.

Firstly, I think I need a break, and before you freak out let me explain. I'm not saying that I won't be doing what I'm doing right now. I'm just going to take it a little at a time. For some reason if I do even a little my health acts up so I don't want to cause any more harm on my health because then I might not be able to do anything at all.

I do apologise for not doing as much as I hoped to but I really want to work on my health because that way I will be able to work on other things such as my reading, writing craft work my Islamic life too. So don't feel like I'm abandoning anything because I'm not. I'm still here, and I will continue to keep bloggin about my life regularly as I am doing so right now. :)

So creatively, I haven't done anything much because I've been preoccupied with my reading and I have to say after I finish this recent book I will be writing reviews on all seven of the books, individually (they will be found my writing blog). I'm really looking forward to that.

The changes to this blog is going to be happening slowly as I stated previously, so I hope to have something up.

My Art Cards will be up sometime this week so do look forward to that :) I will do as much work as I possibly can (without straining my health of course).

Well that's all I have to say for now until my next post :) Take care all and always think positive TaranaBStar A beaming star shining with positivity for the world embrace xoxox

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Opportunities Await!

Hey everyone! :D

So it's been a few days since my last blog post and I thought to myself I should start to blog again. I wanted to post for you yesterday but I didn't - it slipped my mind completely. So I thought I would do so today.

Firstly, I wanted to say that I am really excited about this course that I am taking. I enjoy learning new things and this is something too. Learning Adobe illustrator will help me construct a foundation on my digital art side of things. It's such a versertile opportunity and I feel like I'm learning a lot now as well. The class is on every Tuesday evening and I love what I'm learning. Hopefully when I become better at the digital art I can create different avenues for clients. I'm feeling excited and optimistic about it.

Secondly, I have been doing my writing recently, but it's not anything new it's more like I'm trying to catch up on what I have not written. Then I can continue from where I left off. I love writing, as you all are probably aware. I aspire to be a good author in the future, I'm still hoping for this dream and feel like I can begin to take a step towards this goal.

Thirdly, I am currently still reading the book I've been obsessing about and I love it so much!!! I'm a hopeless romantic and that's why I love the romantic aspect of things a lot along side comedy as well! I mean who doesn't like a good laugh?

Finally, I did some artwork that I'd like to share with you all and one of them gave me an idea for Art Cards (which I haven't forgotten) so that should be coming to you all very soon!! :D

This completes the last few days worth of blogging. I hope this was interesting, and I hope you like my artwork!

Take Care and think positive TaranaBstar A beaming star shining with positivity for the world to embrace xoxox (I know I didn't write this on my last post so I added it on here now lol I'll try and remember to add this).