Hey everyone! :D
Ok well a lot of things happened so that's probably why I couldn't blog daily...ok firstly it was my younger brother's birthday on Saturday (Happy birthday bro) and we ALL (except my dad) went out to a restaurant to eat!! :D It was great!! I had the most expensive meal...I had the lamb steak :) At Sarah Grills! :D Very yummy and delicious :D I really enjoyed especially since it was a whole family outing...although I would have loved it if my dad joined us!
Another thing is that I haven't been feeling too well so I wasn't able to blog much and started feeling a little weak :( But I'm getting better :D
Lastly my big bro left for Egypt today! :O I wasn't able to say goodbye to him properly today (I was sleeping - regrettably) Anyways he left today..my dad dropped him off the airport he hasn't come back yet he's going to see him off and then come back. My bro is going on a training sent from work for 4 days so it's pretty exciting especially since it's the first time in my household! :)
I really wish one day I can go on holiday like this ...one of the places I have to visit is Korea!! Where my friend lives from abroad! I really want to surprise her a visit!! :D Not only visiting but to learn her language!! I'm thinking of learning it....so I'm going to definitely start! :D
Here are some of the pictures from the meal :) It was really good I must say although they should have provided me with a steak knife since it's a steak that I was having but I still enjoyed the meal :D Very VERY nice :D The last picture is my actual meal and the first picture is the drink that I order - a vanilla frappe :) SOOO good!! :D
- All About Me (1)
- Creative Creations (35)
- General (172)
- Jewellery (8)
- Monthly Special (16)
- Ramadan Diary (101)
- Tarana's ACD (2)
- Youtube/Filming (10)
- other blog stuff (28)
Monday, 22 April 2013
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
It's been some time! :O
Hey everyone! :)
I know it's been a long time! I'm sorry about that! Well I haven't been up to much, I've just applied to a teaching job and waiting for their reply! Hopefully I get the job!! :D I just really need a job right now! I'm looking for a job in teaching - the place i've applied for had two posts and I've applied to both - I'm not a qualified teacher but I still have A LOT of experience with young children so I'm hoping to find work like that and also a side job as well! :D
That's pretty much what I've been up to...tomorrow in the evening I have my science class but before that I think I'm going to try and work on my story jut so I can try some more! :D I'm also looking for an ICT course so hopefully I can find something!! :D
Anyways that's all the news for today until next time bye everyone xoxox
I know it's been a long time! I'm sorry about that! Well I haven't been up to much, I've just applied to a teaching job and waiting for their reply! Hopefully I get the job!! :D I just really need a job right now! I'm looking for a job in teaching - the place i've applied for had two posts and I've applied to both - I'm not a qualified teacher but I still have A LOT of experience with young children so I'm hoping to find work like that and also a side job as well! :D
That's pretty much what I've been up to...tomorrow in the evening I have my science class but before that I think I'm going to try and work on my story jut so I can try some more! :D I'm also looking for an ICT course so hopefully I can find something!! :D
Anyways that's all the news for today until next time bye everyone xoxox
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Longest post yet and.....MONTHLY SPEACIAL (April 2013)
Hello Everyone!! :D
As the title says, this one is going to be the longest post yet! :D Few things I wanted to let you all in on just didn't have the chance to say it!! :D Look at the list below to see what's this post is about:
~ Went shopping (10th April 2013)
~ Tried a new kind of desert! (11th April 2013)
~ Insomnia night (12th April 2013 through to the next next day - 13th April 2013)
~ Drew a little something special (13th April - Morning - Monthly special)
~ Went clothes shopping (13th April 2013)
~ Overall day so far and plan for the rest of the day
Ok...Like I said there's a lot to talk about sooo....let's get to it shall we?
Although it was very exhausting there was some perks to it too :D For example I got a MASSIVE exercise! To be honest I love walking..in fact I've walked a couple of miles from my house a my volunteering place (just searched on Google 2.8 miles!!!) Anyways it's just that I haven't been walking like that in some time so I wasn't very used to it! I also had a lot of fun with my mum! :D (got myself a chocolate bar - with nuts (yum, yum, yummy!) Which I finished it off as soon as I went home - too good to save).
So yeah that was my journey shopping with my mum (and probably my last! LOL)
Images to show you guys:
It truly was heavenly! :D It just looked soo appealing, but I also wanted to reserve it for a bit and make it when I felt up for it. Which is basically I just couldn't resist long and had it the next day!!!
This is the preparation! It was amazingly great! :D So simple to make and it even gives you tips to make it more scrummy!! :D I was going to add some Smarties! but I just thought the flouring right now is already my favourite so why not?!? So I gave it a shot! Very simple and I must admit - it's perfect for those little children (I know I know I am no child....oh heck I love it anyways!!)
....and here's the finishing desert! Doesn't it look good? I really loved it soo much that I'm planning on getting more of this the next time I go! :D Sooo good by the way the flavour is vanilla and banana (perfect!)
Best to serve a desert right? :P
So anyways she was doing the lets play for the sims 3 University life! Which I must admit is something I really wanna play!! :D But I don't have it so yeah I just watch her playing and they are just awesome!! :D
Anyways I ended up in my living room at night (because the light coming from my iPod was waking up my mum) So I just went there and watched another one of my favourite youtuber (on drawing as well) named: TylersArtShack!! :D Awesome, Inspirational!! :D Advice you all to check them out!!
Even though I didn't sleep that didn't mean I didn't sleep at all! I actually slept a little later on....
Oh and I did this with colouring pencils by the way I Sakura tree (the Cherry blossom tree) looks a little dark there because of the wall I did beforehand I realised that there are some things that needs to be done first and then work around it. So apologies if it doesn't look so good! I'm still improving so don't worry I'm always trying to do my best!! :D Let me know what you all think?
Anyways....I would've shown you the stuff that I bought but it's not anything great (and I didn't take pictures of it!) But yeah I really enjoyed it and I FINALLY have my own bathrobe!! :D Always wanted one just never EVER have the opportunity to buy it! So I've finally managed to get it!! Woohoo! :D and of course it's in one of my favourite colours - Chocolate brown - just love soo many colours!! :D
My dad wasn't really in the mood to shop, I don't blame him though. Today's weather was so wet and ify it just didn't fit for shopping - also most of the market shops were closed!! :( but the good news was I managed to get some stuff...oh and I also saw these very gorgeous style head-scarves but they weren't worth (I could get it cheaper from other stores) and there were some really REALLY beautiful long dresses that made me want to wear that for the upcoming Eid! Which I plan to!! :D I can't wait to buy clothes for Eid I'm excited!!! :D :D :D
So overall I have to sat that I really enjoyed myself even though there wasn't much that I thought I would enjoy at first but to be honest it's fantastic!! :D Right now I feel so optimistic as usual and really happy (I think being sleep deprived is having an effect on me ....) I just feel like I can do anything!! :} so speaking of doing anything I think for the rest of the day (or what's left of it - 9:40pm at the moment) I might watch some more Youtube videos for some ideas on creative stuff and may spend some time doing something crafty tomorrow! :D
Like I said everyone it was going to be a long post :P But I'm glad you stuck by to the whole thing! I enjoyed writing about myself and sharing it to you all!! Until next time!! Take care and love you all so so much!
Tarana xoxox
As the title says, this one is going to be the longest post yet! :D Few things I wanted to let you all in on just didn't have the chance to say it!! :D Look at the list below to see what's this post is about:
~ Went shopping (10th April 2013)
~ Tried a new kind of desert! (11th April 2013)
~ Insomnia night (12th April 2013 through to the next next day - 13th April 2013)
~ Drew a little something special (13th April - Morning - Monthly special)
~ Went clothes shopping (13th April 2013)
~ Overall day so far and plan for the rest of the day
Ok...Like I said there's a lot to talk about sooo....let's get to it shall we?
Went shopping (10th April 2013)
Ok so that day I'd planned to go to the supermarket with my mummy...because as we all know we all run out of food. So...me and my mummy went together. It was good...honestly speaking I was reluctant to go at first....only because I felt that the rest of my household should make an effort to go...but do they? nope. Well sometimes. Anyways...we went in the end (didn't take much persuasion then it usually would have :P Honestly sometimes I can be stubborn - I hate that!) it was all good....until we came near the end of our shopping and my mum forgot something....she forgot to bring her card!! :O I was so surprised...bearing in mind that it takes about 25-30mins (on foot) to get there (with the speed that me and my mum was going). We called the only people left at the house at the time (who were my younger sister and my youngest sister too) to see if my younger sister could bring it out - In the end I went ALL the way back home got my mum's card (and phone) and went back (Trust me my legs were tired!!) so we finished the rest of the shopping and was making our way back home where I was finding the most difficult to walk because of my legs....OH! and I forgot to mention I haven't eaten breakfast (or lunch) since I woke up late in the afternoon (bad sleeping habit I know - I'm still working on it....sort of). So not only did my legs gave out my arms did too!!Although it was very exhausting there was some perks to it too :D For example I got a MASSIVE exercise! To be honest I love walking..in fact I've walked a couple of miles from my house a my volunteering place (just searched on Google 2.8 miles!!!) Anyways it's just that I haven't been walking like that in some time so I wasn't very used to it! I also had a lot of fun with my mum! :D (got myself a chocolate bar - with nuts (yum, yum, yummy!) Which I finished it off as soon as I went home - too good to save).
So yeah that was my journey shopping with my mum (and probably my last! LOL)
Tried a new kind of desert! (11th April 2013)
So when I went to that exhaustive trip to the market there was another benefit! I've bought myself a treat (no no not just that chocolate bar! ;) ) I also bought this very scrumptious looking desert!Images to show you guys:
It truly was heavenly! :D It just looked soo appealing, but I also wanted to reserve it for a bit and make it when I felt up for it. Which is basically I just couldn't resist long and had it the next day!!!
....and here's the finishing desert! Doesn't it look good? I really loved it soo much that I'm planning on getting more of this the next time I go! :D Sooo good by the way the flavour is vanilla and banana (perfect!)
Best to serve a desert right? :P
Insomnia night (12th April 2013 through to the next next day - 13th April 2013)
So today I did not sleep at all!! :O Very hard to sleep for some reason!! I was awake throughout the night (while I was on my ipod and playing this laser game that my big bro downloaded :P) Just before then I was on my laptop on Youtube (this was before I went to bed) and I was watching my favourite Sims LPer called: lifesimmer!! :D She is awesome and honestly I think (if you haven't already) go and check her out! :DSo anyways she was doing the lets play for the sims 3 University life! Which I must admit is something I really wanna play!! :D But I don't have it so yeah I just watch her playing and they are just awesome!! :D
Anyways I ended up in my living room at night (because the light coming from my iPod was waking up my mum) So I just went there and watched another one of my favourite youtuber (on drawing as well) named: TylersArtShack!! :D Awesome, Inspirational!! :D Advice you all to check them out!!
Even though I didn't sleep that didn't mean I didn't sleep at all! I actually slept a little later on....
Drew a little something special (13th April - Morning - Monthly special)
Ok so like I said I would give out some Monthly Specials!! :D and here is a drawing I did today morning (because of an Insomnia night):Oh and I did this with colouring pencils by the way I Sakura tree (the Cherry blossom tree) looks a little dark there because of the wall I did beforehand I realised that there are some things that needs to be done first and then work around it. So apologies if it doesn't look so good! I'm still improving so don't worry I'm always trying to do my best!! :D Let me know what you all think?
Went clothes shopping (13th April 2013)
You know how I mentioned before that I did sleep for a bit? Well it really was for a bit (about 2 and half hours or so). My mum comes in the room to wake me up and she tells me that I'm going to the long awaited clothes shopping with my parents and my youngest sis - Now that's not something that you want to here right after you wake up from such a comfortable sleep so honestly at first I wasn't being grumpy and stuff but then I did because she was forcibly waking me up from such a peaceful sleep - I know I shouldn't have done it so I do feel regretful - as always never do something that you might regret later - So yeah but it wasn't like I was grumpy all the way just so tired is all.Anyways....I would've shown you the stuff that I bought but it's not anything great (and I didn't take pictures of it!) But yeah I really enjoyed it and I FINALLY have my own bathrobe!! :D Always wanted one just never EVER have the opportunity to buy it! So I've finally managed to get it!! Woohoo! :D and of course it's in one of my favourite colours - Chocolate brown - just love soo many colours!! :D
My dad wasn't really in the mood to shop, I don't blame him though. Today's weather was so wet and ify it just didn't fit for shopping - also most of the market shops were closed!! :( but the good news was I managed to get some stuff...oh and I also saw these very gorgeous style head-scarves but they weren't worth (I could get it cheaper from other stores) and there were some really REALLY beautiful long dresses that made me want to wear that for the upcoming Eid! Which I plan to!! :D I can't wait to buy clothes for Eid I'm excited!!! :D :D :D
Overall day so far and plan for the rest of the day
So overall I have to sat that I really enjoyed myself even though there wasn't much that I thought I would enjoy at first but to be honest it's fantastic!! :D Right now I feel so optimistic as usual and really happy (I think being sleep deprived is having an effect on me ....) I just feel like I can do anything!! :} so speaking of doing anything I think for the rest of the day (or what's left of it - 9:40pm at the moment) I might watch some more Youtube videos for some ideas on creative stuff and may spend some time doing something crafty tomorrow! :D Like I said everyone it was going to be a long post :P But I'm glad you stuck by to the whole thing! I enjoyed writing about myself and sharing it to you all!! Until next time!! Take care and love you all so so much!
Tarana xoxox
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Another Monthly Special (April 2013)
Hello everyone!!
Thought I share with you some monthly special stuff! :) Well actually it's only one thing but it's been long awaited so here it is:
Yes this is something that I've created with acrylic paint!! :D I did this you the help of a Youtube video so I hope that you like it :D I'm going to buy a big tube of Titanium White so I don't run out of it at all! When I created this I used so much white that I'm nearly all out of white lol!
I am definitely going to be creating a lot more other stuff!! So stay in touch! :D
Thought I share with you some monthly special stuff! :) Well actually it's only one thing but it's been long awaited so here it is:
Yes this is something that I've created with acrylic paint!! :D I did this you the help of a Youtube video so I hope that you like it :D I'm going to buy a big tube of Titanium White so I don't run out of it at all! When I created this I used so much white that I'm nearly all out of white lol!
I am definitely going to be creating a lot more other stuff!! So stay in touch! :D
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
I am soo happy!! :D and a little idea!! :D
Hey everyone!! :D
Ok so I just applied to a teaching agency (it makes me feel really productive!!) which means I'm in the process of looking for a job so hopefully I'll get it!! :D
Also I thought of this amazing idea that I named - Monthly special!! :D
Basically what I'll be doing on this blog (and my other blog) I'll put up some monthly specials. So for example, on here I'll put up some of my creations and such also ones up for downloads tooo!!! (On my other blog some sims 2 blog i'll be uploading monthly themed lots, sims, series part and much more!!!)
So today I'll be working on a lot of creative things that I can show you guys so do look forward to it!!! :D xoxoxox
Ok so I just applied to a teaching agency (it makes me feel really productive!!) which means I'm in the process of looking for a job so hopefully I'll get it!! :D
Also I thought of this amazing idea that I named - Monthly special!! :D
Basically what I'll be doing on this blog (and my other blog) I'll put up some monthly specials. So for example, on here I'll put up some of my creations and such also ones up for downloads tooo!!! (On my other blog some sims 2 blog i'll be uploading monthly themed lots, sims, series part and much more!!!)
So today I'll be working on a lot of creative things that I can show you guys so do look forward to it!!! :D xoxoxox
It's just like that... & contact me!! :D
Hey everyone! :D
Ok so today I wasn't really up for doing much but then I was feeling really excited to make things but then not. I was just having one of those undesicive days and by the time I knew it the whole day had gone.....However I think what I will do is do some more creative things and share it with you guys! :D So do have a look at it!! :D
Very short blog today I know but don't worry I will share some more stuff with you all soon...bye the way what did you all think about my last post on the different things I've put on?? If you would like to ask me questions, talk to me or anything then just contact me on my e-mail tarana.b.star@gmail.com :D I'd be happy to speak to you all. Also if you all have some awesome stuff you want to show me please feel free to send me an e-mail I would LOVE to see your stuff! :D
Until next time
love you all Tarana xoxox
Ok so today I wasn't really up for doing much but then I was feeling really excited to make things but then not. I was just having one of those undesicive days and by the time I knew it the whole day had gone.....However I think what I will do is do some more creative things and share it with you guys! :D So do have a look at it!! :D
Very short blog today I know but don't worry I will share some more stuff with you all soon...bye the way what did you all think about my last post on the different things I've put on?? If you would like to ask me questions, talk to me or anything then just contact me on my e-mail tarana.b.star@gmail.com :D I'd be happy to speak to you all. Also if you all have some awesome stuff you want to show me please feel free to send me an e-mail I would LOVE to see your stuff! :D
Until next time
love you all Tarana xoxox
Sunday, 7 April 2013
So nostaligic! :O I just have to share! :D
Hey everyone! :D
So today I cleaned up a lot of my stuff!! (when I mean a lot I mean A LOT!!) It was soo amazing the things I found!! Some of the things that I've found were really quite surprising as I didn't think I would do stuff like this...
Like one of the things that I've found was some old stories that wrote up! :O Including a script I made myself!! :O I was soo shocked to see those kinds of things I never expected to find stuff like that in my room but I've now put it in my memory box! It really made me feel shocked at the things I used to do! :D
There was also a lot of things that I found when I went to trips!! :O I was so shocked to see those thinking how I actually went to these places made me kind of surprised! I just wanted to share some of these things with you all!
Check them out below - don't worry I'll even explain what they all are!
This is a sharper I got from a school trip to London dungeon (I think - although I do remember the trip :) there was this zombie looking man slits of cuts and stitched on his face with dripping blood - All make up by the way lol It was really amazing I also remember this shop where they sold all these interesting thing. I think there was this alien egg that was in fashion back then and basically there was this alien and you have to give it love (it looked soo real! was kept in an egg and everything!) You weren't supposed to open the egg container because it would die and it actually produced ANOTHER alien! How cool is that?! :O) I didn't buy it though wasn't worth the money I thought but boy was I tempted!! :D Then it went out of fashion and came back again a few years later and I saw it in my local newsagents! :D - But ssadly I didn't buy it but my cousin did have one and I was so excited about it!)
Lol sorry got a lil side tracked...anyways....this was from there (I think and I really did love it a lot I even use it....sometimes! :D
Moving on...This I have to be honest with you have NO CLUE whatsoever as to where or who gave it to me lol not really something that you would like to hear I know but I honestly don't know! But it's such a cute Pokemon seahorse..i think?...I just loved it sooo much!!! :D I do know one thing...it's that I've kept it after sooo many years!! :D
OMG! I remember this!! :D This was back in Year 2000 (when I was in primary school still - in year 6) This was when the Millennium Dome first came out! I remember this because I went there with my aunts and cousin and it was soo fun there was sooo many different types of events!! :D There was a booth place helping those to look for a job, places where they sold some suveniers such as the badge <<< It was soo cool!! :D There things to eat, drink (of course) and also things like a concert (don't remember what it was though) it was a great day I remember we had a lot of fun - and I'm the only one from the trip who still kept the badge! :D Also it's now called the O2 which I'm sure everyone knows - That's also where I had my graduation ceremony!! :D For my undergraduate degree - I still remember the date (28th November 2012 - Oh yeah!) Definitely something to remember! :D
This is actually something that happened in primary but I vaguely recall it (I'm sorry! Awful memory I know). All I remember was that there was a competition for reading (and I LOVE reading!) so I signed up for it (I think) and then I went and won second place!! :D (Got the silver medal as you can see! :D) I'm happy about it! and proud. Oh and by the way it says 'The reading relay' lol Something I really enjoy doing and plan to continue :D
This was a tragic one :( but a survivor I must admit :D basically what happened was I went to Southend on a school trip and bought this blue and emerald green spiral looking wind chime...somehow it broke! and these are the remains! :'( However :D it was only a side of it and it wasn't that noticeable and it's actually amendable (I think that's the word lol). So I will fix it up and then show it to you guys!! :D The trip was fun I really loved going to Southend :D
Ok this waas from my cousin (whom I'm actually very VERY close with). We pretty much grew up together since childhood! :D (but things happen and unfortunately we lost that connection). However this was a time when we did a lot of stuff together. Oh I forgot to mention that I was REALLY quiet when I was young but I kind of let myself out more! :D So anyways, my cousin was making something (of course I was there too) and then we had some left over glitter which I said I would keep - and I've kept it for many many MANY years!! :D I'm thinking of making something with it though ;)
This is very special to me I call it....The Bits and Bobs box :D (awesome name I know lol) I made this box with the intention of making making a jewellery box - ended up looking like a normal box - so I thought I'll make it as a bit n Bob's box. It's exactly what the title says! :D It's a box full of different bits and bobs that I can use to make things!! :D I've had this for years now! I really love it a lot. My big brother thought I actually just got a box and wrapped it up...oh no no no no I actually MADE the whole box myself and then wrapped it up lol :D I really like it a lot!! :D
And finally...These are shells that I've collected when I went to Southend another time!! It was great! and the seashells are amazing...I even got myself a starfish :D it's soo cool!! :D This was actually the second time I went to Southend because I remembered that the first time I went was actually when I regretted not collecting any seashells! So this time around I made sure to collect A LOT!! :D But sadly I remember throwing away a lot because my mum wasn't happy with me keeping so much :( so I've kept some of the best ones :D
Thank you guys soo much for reading and learning a little bit more about me! because I've got so many different kinds of things I thought of making something very special!! So I will share with you guys soon! Please comment and let me know what you all think about it!! :D
Love you all so so much until next time bye!! xoxox
So today I cleaned up a lot of my stuff!! (when I mean a lot I mean A LOT!!) It was soo amazing the things I found!! Some of the things that I've found were really quite surprising as I didn't think I would do stuff like this...
Like one of the things that I've found was some old stories that wrote up! :O Including a script I made myself!! :O I was soo shocked to see those kinds of things I never expected to find stuff like that in my room but I've now put it in my memory box! It really made me feel shocked at the things I used to do! :D
There was also a lot of things that I found when I went to trips!! :O I was so shocked to see those thinking how I actually went to these places made me kind of surprised! I just wanted to share some of these things with you all!
Check them out below - don't worry I'll even explain what they all are!
This is a sharper I got from a school trip to London dungeon (I think - although I do remember the trip :) there was this zombie looking man slits of cuts and stitched on his face with dripping blood - All make up by the way lol It was really amazing I also remember this shop where they sold all these interesting thing. I think there was this alien egg that was in fashion back then and basically there was this alien and you have to give it love (it looked soo real! was kept in an egg and everything!) You weren't supposed to open the egg container because it would die and it actually produced ANOTHER alien! How cool is that?! :O) I didn't buy it though wasn't worth the money I thought but boy was I tempted!! :D Then it went out of fashion and came back again a few years later and I saw it in my local newsagents! :D - But ssadly I didn't buy it but my cousin did have one and I was so excited about it!)
Lol sorry got a lil side tracked...anyways....this was from there (I think and I really did love it a lot I even use it....sometimes! :D
Moving on...This I have to be honest with you have NO CLUE whatsoever as to where or who gave it to me lol not really something that you would like to hear I know but I honestly don't know! But it's such a cute Pokemon seahorse..i think?...I just loved it sooo much!!! :D I do know one thing...it's that I've kept it after sooo many years!! :D
OMG! I remember this!! :D This was back in Year 2000 (when I was in primary school still - in year 6) This was when the Millennium Dome first came out! I remember this because I went there with my aunts and cousin and it was soo fun there was sooo many different types of events!! :D There was a booth place helping those to look for a job, places where they sold some suveniers such as the badge <<< It was soo cool!! :D There things to eat, drink (of course) and also things like a concert (don't remember what it was though) it was a great day I remember we had a lot of fun - and I'm the only one from the trip who still kept the badge! :D Also it's now called the O2 which I'm sure everyone knows - That's also where I had my graduation ceremony!! :D For my undergraduate degree - I still remember the date (28th November 2012 - Oh yeah!) Definitely something to remember! :D
This is actually something that happened in primary but I vaguely recall it (I'm sorry! Awful memory I know). All I remember was that there was a competition for reading (and I LOVE reading!) so I signed up for it (I think) and then I went and won second place!! :D (Got the silver medal as you can see! :D) I'm happy about it! and proud. Oh and by the way it says 'The reading relay' lol Something I really enjoy doing and plan to continue :D
This was a tragic one :( but a survivor I must admit :D basically what happened was I went to Southend on a school trip and bought this blue and emerald green spiral looking wind chime...somehow it broke! and these are the remains! :'( However :D it was only a side of it and it wasn't that noticeable and it's actually amendable (I think that's the word lol). So I will fix it up and then show it to you guys!! :D The trip was fun I really loved going to Southend :D
Ok this waas from my cousin (whom I'm actually very VERY close with). We pretty much grew up together since childhood! :D (but things happen and unfortunately we lost that connection). However this was a time when we did a lot of stuff together. Oh I forgot to mention that I was REALLY quiet when I was young but I kind of let myself out more! :D So anyways, my cousin was making something (of course I was there too) and then we had some left over glitter which I said I would keep - and I've kept it for many many MANY years!! :D I'm thinking of making something with it though ;)
This is very special to me I call it....The Bits and Bobs box :D (awesome name I know lol) I made this box with the intention of making making a jewellery box - ended up looking like a normal box - so I thought I'll make it as a bit n Bob's box. It's exactly what the title says! :D It's a box full of different bits and bobs that I can use to make things!! :D I've had this for years now! I really love it a lot. My big brother thought I actually just got a box and wrapped it up...oh no no no no I actually MADE the whole box myself and then wrapped it up lol :D I really like it a lot!! :D
And finally...These are shells that I've collected when I went to Southend another time!! It was great! and the seashells are amazing...I even got myself a starfish :D it's soo cool!! :D This was actually the second time I went to Southend because I remembered that the first time I went was actually when I regretted not collecting any seashells! So this time around I made sure to collect A LOT!! :D But sadly I remember throwing away a lot because my mum wasn't happy with me keeping so much :( so I've kept some of the best ones :D
Thank you guys soo much for reading and learning a little bit more about me! because I've got so many different kinds of things I thought of making something very special!! So I will share with you guys soon! Please comment and let me know what you all think about it!! :D
Love you all so so much until next time bye!! xoxox
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Thinking about it optimistically! :D
Hello everyone! :D
Ok so as you know I did say I was going to give you all something and I don't know if you all noticed but I've added a new chapter to my other blog!! :D Soo...please go and check it out! :D
Also today my younger sister gave me this youtuber she told me to have a look at so I did and was so inspired by her and loved her videos that I thought I'll probably make a video like that too!! Do check her out! She's really amazing...she even has her own website too!!
Click me to see :P
I've been watching her most of today so what I'll be doing is probably going to be doing some more creative stuff and upload on Youtube, well I was thinking of uploading some of my creative stuff anyways so this just made me do it! :D So hopefully I can link my Youtube to this and do something for you guys! :D
Take care all until next time :D xoxox
Ok so as you know I did say I was going to give you all something and I don't know if you all noticed but I've added a new chapter to my other blog!! :D Soo...please go and check it out! :D
Also today my younger sister gave me this youtuber she told me to have a look at so I did and was so inspired by her and loved her videos that I thought I'll probably make a video like that too!! Do check her out! She's really amazing...she even has her own website too!!
Click me to see :P
I've been watching her most of today so what I'll be doing is probably going to be doing some more creative stuff and upload on Youtube, well I was thinking of uploading some of my creative stuff anyways so this just made me do it! :D So hopefully I can link my Youtube to this and do something for you guys! :D
Take care all until next time :D xoxox
Friday, 5 April 2013
I just really need to say this to you all
Hey everyone!
I really want to say that I'm sorry to you all, my life isn't the same when it comes to the holidays like most people would. Honestly, in other's case they will be able to get more things done....but me? Nope. Doesn't work like that...I really want that though :( It's not that anyone is stopping me but it's just how things are at the moment in my life.
Honestly, I thought I was over with the fact that I'm not doing my PGCE course but it's clearly not over. I think from the whole experience it's left a mental scar that I need to patch up one way or another...I had the same issue with something else when I was younger and I always try to strive and challenge myself and always feel that I can get through anything. Don't get me wrong I still do. It's just that I feel that I need to work extra hard on everything...One of those things is getting a job!!
As soon as I get a job I'm telling you all I will definitely become even more ACTIVE!! However, at the moment I will be working on sorting some things out at home and me personally so please bear with me :)
Anyways in terms of creative stuff...please don't think that I have given up - I haven't (That's one thing I'm sure of that's my strong point! - Or so i'm told). I will definitely be showing you something tomorrow (Well it's 12:18am - so when I wake up).
Also I have one last thing, I just want to tell everyone that you will know yourself better than anyone else - if you want to change then you can make that happen - no intention no change. It's your life and how you choose to live it will be up to you! I feel that I am me all the time I don't want to be like a materialistic kind of girl. I want to be unique in what I do and please myself and my lord! It's a struggle in life to change something about you but it's you who knows how much effort and your capability in doing something, so don't blame anyone other than yourself...Something that I feel I am aware of but need to take actions personally.
~~~ This last message is not implying that you are not trying hard enough or that I'm saying to blame yourself...I'm trying to say challenge yourself...if you know your limit get that extra support and overcome it! Nothing is impossible! :D ~~~~
**Anyways I think I've rambled on long enough...feel free to comment and follow....I would love to hear you views! :D **
I really want to say that I'm sorry to you all, my life isn't the same when it comes to the holidays like most people would. Honestly, in other's case they will be able to get more things done....but me? Nope. Doesn't work like that...I really want that though :( It's not that anyone is stopping me but it's just how things are at the moment in my life.
Honestly, I thought I was over with the fact that I'm not doing my PGCE course but it's clearly not over. I think from the whole experience it's left a mental scar that I need to patch up one way or another...I had the same issue with something else when I was younger and I always try to strive and challenge myself and always feel that I can get through anything. Don't get me wrong I still do. It's just that I feel that I need to work extra hard on everything...One of those things is getting a job!!
As soon as I get a job I'm telling you all I will definitely become even more ACTIVE!! However, at the moment I will be working on sorting some things out at home and me personally so please bear with me :)
Anyways in terms of creative stuff...please don't think that I have given up - I haven't (That's one thing I'm sure of that's my strong point! - Or so i'm told). I will definitely be showing you something tomorrow (Well it's 12:18am - so when I wake up).
Also I have one last thing, I just want to tell everyone that you will know yourself better than anyone else - if you want to change then you can make that happen - no intention no change. It's your life and how you choose to live it will be up to you! I feel that I am me all the time I don't want to be like a materialistic kind of girl. I want to be unique in what I do and please myself and my lord! It's a struggle in life to change something about you but it's you who knows how much effort and your capability in doing something, so don't blame anyone other than yourself...Something that I feel I am aware of but need to take actions personally.
~~~ This last message is not implying that you are not trying hard enough or that I'm saying to blame yourself...I'm trying to say challenge yourself...if you know your limit get that extra support and overcome it! Nothing is impossible! :D ~~~~
**Anyways I think I've rambled on long enough...feel free to comment and follow....I would love to hear you views! :D **
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Too lazy to do anything...
Hey everyone!
So Today I'm just not feeling it. I didn't sleep so I just catched up on lost sleep and now I don't even feel like doing anything...I haven't done much of my jewellery making which I'm not really up for it.
Although, I actually did do a canvas painting but I haven't had the chance to upload it (hence the feeling lazy part lol) however I have been more into my story and thinking up new ideas of what to write about so I think I'm going to be focusing more on that then anything at the moment.
Also I have to apply for jobs (which I hear is never fun) need to get crackin on this! Because it's Easter I'm thinking of doing some clothing stuff as well as other creative stuff which I couldn't do because of the PGCE programme. But needing a job ASAP is very important though! Really looking forward to working (for once in my life) so yeah I hope to do that :P
Anyways, I think I've rambled on too much so I'll just end here...keep posted on my other blog because I'll definitely be uploading something on that.
Ps I know I haven't blogged much here but I will do so don't worry about that and I know it wasn't any kind of new project so don't worry I'm coming up with some good stuff soon!! :D Take care all xoxox
So Today I'm just not feeling it. I didn't sleep so I just catched up on lost sleep and now I don't even feel like doing anything...I haven't done much of my jewellery making which I'm not really up for it.
Although, I actually did do a canvas painting but I haven't had the chance to upload it (hence the feeling lazy part lol) however I have been more into my story and thinking up new ideas of what to write about so I think I'm going to be focusing more on that then anything at the moment.
Also I have to apply for jobs (which I hear is never fun) need to get crackin on this! Because it's Easter I'm thinking of doing some clothing stuff as well as other creative stuff which I couldn't do because of the PGCE programme. But needing a job ASAP is very important though! Really looking forward to working (for once in my life) so yeah I hope to do that :P
Anyways, I think I've rambled on too much so I'll just end here...keep posted on my other blog because I'll definitely be uploading something on that.
Ps I know I haven't blogged much here but I will do so don't worry about that and I know it wasn't any kind of new project so don't worry I'm coming up with some good stuff soon!! :D Take care all xoxox
Monday, 1 April 2013
Sprig cleaning??
Heey everyone
did some cleaning today but it was just a room that felt like cleaning a whole house that's just crazy?! So much stuff and sooo much mess needs to be cleaned all the way!!
Anyways tomorrow I'm gonna be tidying all of my stuff so here's gonna be a lot of things to clear out!!
did some cleaning today but it was just a room that felt like cleaning a whole house that's just crazy?! So much stuff and sooo much mess needs to be cleaned all the way!!
Anyways tomorrow I'm gonna be tidying all of my stuff so here's gonna be a lot of things to clear out!!
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